Monday, September 15, 2014

New townhome style Ashland , Mass., with continental den as in the bigger houses...

We have a new building that features the wonderful and popular continental den that we design in our bigger single family homes, only a few available.
The continental den is on the second floor, and serves as a night time retreat for you and the children, or a relax place to sit if you have a sick chidl or even as a temporary bedroom for a visiting relative, by setting up a pull out sofa and a drape for privacy.  This is a wonderful feature for parents who have to come from a great distance to visit you.

Reminder that all townhomes in Ashland by zoning are two bedrooms and 4 inhabitants, so bear that in mind this continental den  can be used in many creative ways, but not as a permanent bedroom for a 5th inhabitant.   We don't want you unhappy,  so better to understand the zoning up front.

You have to admit, that in a pinch, it is a wonderful feature, and it can keep a work at home desk our of the living room.

The townhomes are now in our newest section, Louisiana Purchase.  This was an incredible purchase of thousands of acres, in the middle section of the United States.  It started the Westward Ho!  movement, where people chanced the trip in covered wagons to settle along the route and through Indian Territory to the California Gold Rush and more of the exciting story of the United Sates...

The story of the railroad crossing our great land and the people, the Mormons, the railroad men, the settlers, the government agents, and more is on Saturday nights...AMC...called "Hell On Wheels"  I love history, I love the story of our country, and I think the program is great....