Sunday, September 15, 2013

NATURE LOVERS 2 BOOKS a review, AND TOP OF THE WORLD Holliston, Mass..see LOT 50.

Two great books for gifts , if you love to read, and want to meditate the easy way...the glory of nature writing will awe you, by my two favorite nature writers....see below.


We have many gorgeous pieces of land that we are developing, and building but there is something special about  what we refer to as TOP OF THE WORLD, you have to see it.  $700.000's up...Take a look at our spectacular Lot 50 ready now for your home ...come see the plans, make today the greatest day...

Also if you can't afford Top of the World, come see our beautiful neighborhoods, Willage of America, Ashland, and Patriots Bloulevard,  Hopkinton or Tea Party Circle , Holden all in the $300,000's  Uxbridge in the $200'00's up...Wait until you see the small pine forest that will be the home of Candlewoord Village in Bellingham. The Pines will grow with your beautiful new homes.....just near Rt. 495, and close to Silver Lake.  Or choose Marlboro just off Rt 495 , from $400,000's or just off Rt 20 on the Subdbury line from $700,000's to $900'00s, two choices of location and plans and prices.   Natick only 2 estates left, one is under construction $900,000's choices still possible and be in by Christmas if you act fast.or  2 + acre lot with our majestic Alexander to be built.$1.4 million,..very private, best lot in the area, must see...surrounded by acres of restricted land.    More coming, so stay tuned...INTEREST RATES MIGHT BE STARTING UP DON'T HESITATE,..GET PRE APPROVED, AND LOCK IN THE RATE!

We love the earth, and nature, we had to drive through the majestic country that we love from Atlantic to Pacific and we have done it more than once, thru Canada and the States. We dream our way to bringing you the best we can.  Howard is a master at placement of homes and trees, drive over to see our past subdivisions, especially our oldest townhouse development known as Strawberry Patch, the first one on the left behind Shaws supermarket off Eliot Street, in Ashland, the hills and valleys are covered with trees, homes are tucked majestically thru the foliage.   We are proud of the beauty we try to create...(when we can.)
We started these homes back in the 1970's, so hold your breath because  these sold starting at $129,990 all those years ago.. Imagine what home ownership has done for many families through the years....We have become part of Ashland, with a number of subdivisions Great Bend Farm, Thousand Pines, MountainGate Manors, Starlight Village and more.

 NOW FOR A FUN GIFT...FOR NATURE LOVERS....IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE BUYING A FAFARD  REAL ESTATE HOME, MAYBE THEY WILL ENJOY THESE BOOKS.  Or maybe just for your Christmas list...  I copied my review of  Wilderness Essays from my Amazon Book Reviews, you can see what I read and what I reviewed by finding my book reviews on Amazon.

My favorite naturalist writer is Loren Eisley The Immense Journey: An Imaginative Naturalist Explores the Mysteries of Man and Nature

Wilderness Essays by, by John Muir

Somehow, I stumbled on this by John Muir,(maybe because I ran out of Eisley). I don't remember which Eisley was my favorite,  he only wrote a few books, so you can easily read them all.

John Muir fascinates me, because as he describes Prudhome Bay in Alaska, one can come to understand nature even more so than  the climatists, etc.,  want you to. According to Muir, the Bay was not even formed in the late 1800's it was being born (the work of icebergs), and over the century it grew into a Bay as we know it today. His description of the work of the icebergs is beautiful, thoughtful and awe inspiring It helps one to stop and realize that nature has a plan for everything. Icebergs give birth to baby icebergs that replenish the earth with the soil, the limbs of trees and whatever else has been captured by the iceberg as it moves to the sea. It is a marvelous story of the beauty of creation. His description of Alaska, bursting with song, with fish, fruit,and trees in the summer made me want to go there, it seemed a paradise lost, overlooked because winter coats the beauty for so many months. The writing is gorgeous.