Thursday, August 22, 2013

Village of America, Ashland, Mass, have you figured it out yet?

Yes, if you have figured it is  a lesson in history by association with the progress of our construction. Our town home Associations start with Explorers, and are now named at this stage just past Indpendence Village and into Constitution Village.  How about America Boulevard, and Queen Isabella Way.... be part of history call us today 508-881-6662

Our beautiful New England countryside was once the home of proud Indians, who fished in the ponds and rivers nearby, they had a good size Indian Village off Fruit Street where we built Great Bend Farm, named after the Indian location, that was called Place of the Great Bend  ( in the Sudbury River)

Village of America qualifies for that location too, because you can see the bend in the Sudbury River if you trace it from the waterfall near town, where it heads over toward the Dairy Queen and suddenly turns left back toward Framingham where it came from originally.

Once there were water ski shows on the reservoir, along route 135, and once a beach on Farm Pond in Framingham with an active picnic area, but that was all long ago.  The train station that took the summer vacationers out of Boston to John Stone's Inn, is still here,  as is the historic old Inn.  Today  the train takes the daily commuters to Boston.  Imagine folks in Boston, once came west to vacation in summer!

Everyday is a vacation now if you live in this beautiful area we call Village of America, walk the loop road for an ice cream or a coffee down town in Ashland. Or walk the other direction to Rt 135 and the strip shopping center.    Our prices start in the $300,000's our new styles will make you smile,  our master bedroom will make you jealous to own a townhome here.  Its better than many single family homes, it is new and it is  give us a call house weekends here , there and everywhere in Fafard country...

Fafard Real Estate, building Metrowest for over 45 years, 508-881-6662