We design and build our exclusive homes in house so we meet market trends quickly at production prices
Our newest designs feature more windows especially in kitchen over sink so your islands look outside
Our master bedrooms are not just spacious they are special. You need to see the concepts
How about a widows walk high on a hill?
Come share our dreams. Ask to see our latest plans You can't find our dreams in a plan book or on other sites. So call for a dreamwalk through our many selections
We are ready for move in right now take a preview of locations and price ranges here:
Holden just off major routes $350,000's up ready now!
Bellingham near T and rt 495 from mid $300,000's up. Ready now!
Uxbridge to be built from low $300,000's
Marlboro from $400,000's near rt 495 ready now under construction act fast!
Marlboro near rt 20 , wayside inn area from $700,000's to be built
Holliston rt 126 near major routes see model and new construction 2 locations,
Indian Trail $ 600,00's up to be built
Carriage House $700,000's up ,model
Natick one estate lot 2 acre plus or minus surrounded by open land $1 .4 million to be built choose and personalize!
Please call for an appointment. 508-881-6662 Fafard Real Estate. Exclusively featuring : The VillageCollection