Thursday, March 13, 2014

Madlyn Fafard,: Framingham History Center program, don't miss this interesting talk

Madlyn Fafard,: Framingham History Center program, don't miss this interesting talk

Framingham was the center of the movement from Boston to the suburbs, remember there were no towns back then.  The Howes family owned much of the land, granted by the King to them, this encompassed the present day Wayside inn, and went all the way into Framingham,  maybe to Farm pond and beyond.  I have not confirmed the full size of the Kings Grant to Howes,however, I know that it extends to the present day Mass. Pike from the Wayside Inn. in Sudbury.  I often thought that the small historical groups would benefit from association with the larger Framingham Historical Society.  Maybe some day this will happen.  The history of the area is linked in so many ways.  Just as the Leland family owned land from Holliston, Ashland all the way to Milford.  The Leland's as I  seem to recall where on the Mayflower.  Eventually one of their descendants founded the Southern Pacific Railroad and Stanford University.  Leland Stanford is who Standford University is named for.  Just a dab of information learned over the years...