Sunday, August 4, 2013

Prices and homes ...and a moment with Mom in the long ago

The way it was !

 Our townhouses were evolving into the now famous continental den in the master bedroom, you can see the covered entry that gave it birth , before the idea came to me..(why not build a master bedroom as great as one you can have in a million dollar home?)  So we did!  Have you ever seen our townhouses in Ashland and Hopkinton... We are near sell out in Hopkinton, so hurry over if that is the town of your choice, the last two buildings are starting now, ready  in time for Christmas in your new home, if you act now!

The Village of Rose Pointe is long sold out, named for our mother's.  Rose Fafard, Rose DeCenzo Murphy,  Howard's mother is going to be 107 years old in September, just imagine that !

Our fabulous townhomes are better than ever and ready for your 2013 Christmas, if you act give us a call, priced in the $300,000's .  Are you ready for living in a townhome, come won't believe it.  Our design makes you feel like you are in a single family home....Call today 508-881-6662  Fafard Real Estate....

"We are always building something....hope we can help you find your new home!"