Monday, June 24, 2013

Help wanted experienced salaried position and commission sales.

Salaried real estate position  for  happy  friendly experienced person who can prepare closing packages , deal with lenders, lawyers and customers to complete the sale.accurately and efficiently. Bellingham and or Milford office, paralegal, banking or real estate experience helpful also.

Real estate sales person with sales experience, a happy friendly person, who knows values in the Bellingham, Uxbridge area, or can learn them.  Commission sales. Come see our offerings, our opportunities, we have 9 jobs open and plenty of open house time, must work at least one Sunday shift, and come to  tuesday sales meeting,  Now that summer is here, and customers are back, we have openings also for late afternoon shift now in Ashland, and soon in Bellingham when we open our new Candlelight Village.  Hours 5-8 , so if you are a teacher or early  out worker you can man the model for us, and we will advertise the later day shift for you.

Lots of opportunity here at Fafard Real Estate, even if you never sold real estate, we will take you under our wing and teach you to sell, learn the agreements and understand the give us a call, you might love it and you could up buying one of our advertised homes as you earn your future with us!

call us, many of our associates have been with us for over 20 years...
send resume to

Looking forward to new faces on our new projects
