Monday, April 29, 2013

Top of the World, the magnificent Millenium Diplomat...another one available..

Don't be sad if you missed out on lot 113, I just talked to the boss, he says we can also provide a Millenium Diplomat on this selection of lots  9,10,11, move on over and take a peek at these additional lots, see if you like them and make your decision to build our newest plan the Millenium Diplomat...  but, don't rush, you know that we have other plans that will knock your socks off....and when you get through with your customizing, I bet you will knock our socks off!

So come on over anytime by appointment for extra attention with lot selection and plans, it looks  "kids friendly" to me, but you be the judge and  be in by the start of school if you get cooking now!  Come see this gorgeous neighborhood...maybe you will buy a house and lot that can see all the way to Boston!  Prices start around $700,000's....

Okay, I hear you, we can do it for less, at Indian Trail across the street, and still give you the house of your doesn't hurt to ask...and if you need an even lower about looking at Cider Mill in Marlboro, great house selections, great lot selections, in the $400,000's...just off the Rt495 exit  Hudson, close to three Malls, and not too far from the Metroplex in Framingham, time it...

YES, I can keep going,  $300,000's in Holden
$200,000's in Uxbridge

SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE...find time to explore the areas, take stock of your cash, your ability to mortage and jump in the market while the rates are low...

ooops!  Don't forget,  we have $900,000's in Natick, and $700,000's plus in BlackHorse Farms, acre plus off Rt 20, Marlboro  the Wayside Inn District...

COMON!  Give us a call...we need you and you need us, lets make history together!

call us    NOW   508-881-6662  Fafard Real Estate